The backbone
for federated AI and
data collaboration

A federated privacy-preserving platform for solving data collaboration challenges. From discovering and evaluating third-party datasets to running data consortia, training advanced AI models, and much more.

Simple & extensible private data collaboration

Get data access, faster

Whether you’re working internally or with external partners, we take care of privacy-preservation, so your compliance team can rest easy.

Never compromise on utility

Run your queries or models with minimal privacy-preserving disruption. Keep your customers safe, while maintaining confidence in insights.

Bypass complex data pipelines

Send algorithms to data, no messy MLOps processes required. Spend time extracting value, not setting up.

Learn privacy techniques

Low-risk, low-overhead way to explore the world of privacy-preserving data science. Join our community →

Want to learn more? Check out our blog or book a demo

Key Features for Data Science & Analytics Teams

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